Sweet Distractions

Apple Bantu (RED) Dalam Kampanye Hari AIDS Dunia

CUPERTINO, California—November 23, 2014— To mark World AIDS Day 2014, Apple® and leading app developers are inviting customers to help (RED) achieve the goal of an AIDS-free generation. For the next two weeks, a special section of the App Store℠ called Apps for (RED) will offer 25 apps with exclusive new content where all proceeds will go directly to the Global Fund to fight AIDS. In addition, Apple will donate a portion of sales at Apple’s retail and online stores around the world on two of the biggest shopping days of the year: Friday, November 28 and Monday, December 1.

“Apple is a proud supporter of (RED) because we believe the gift of life is the most important gift anyone can give,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “For eight years, our customers have been helping fight AIDS in Africa by funding life-saving treatments which are having a profoundly positive impact. This year we are launching our biggest fundraising push yet with the participation of Apple’s retail and online stores, and some of the brightest minds in the App Store are lending their talents to the effort as well.”

Dalam memperingati hari AIDS dunia, Apple bekerja sama dengan (RED) menggelar kampanye yang bertujuan untuk mencapai generasi bebas AIDS. Dalam kampanyenya, Apple akan mendonasikan penjualan yang didapat dari aplikasi atau melalui toko retailnya ke Global Funds untuk melawan AIDS. Beberapa aplikasi yang ikut mendukung kampanye ini adalah:

serta masih banyak lagi aplikasi yang turut serta. Kampanye ini kan berlangsung selama dua minggu mulai tanggal 24 November hingga 7 Desember 2014.